As a hardcore gamer, I think you wasted your potential by puting this on the web, but I'm glad you did or I would have never found it.
This game is potentialy worth Millions to Billions as the next Gallaga generation, if you add much more mutations, upgrades, and levels. Also, work on better 3D graphics on the background and make the weapon fire more enhanced with a different sound for each mutation.(Oh, and more explosions (kids love that stuff)).
This is the best thing on the web and if you don't get this on the market it's as the title permits as Wasted Talent!
If you would allow me along side with the Newgrounds gamming community to Advertise your game as a demo I would be mroe than happy to do so.
((Your game play of this version of D.N.8. will sky rocket as I am on Myspace, Facebook, WoW, and EQ2). <-- I AM NOT ADVERTISING ANY WEB CITES OR GAMES).
Please contace me ( not by a response) by personal mail.
Thank you,