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Reviews for "DBZ Royal Part 1"


I love the ending when Vegeta shows up out of nowhere. Then Freiza's got a look like he knows he's screwed. Pretty good. Definitely recommend not using handdrawn effects in a flash fight like in the first fight. Stick to sprited effects. Secondly, for how short that was, there is no reason it should have been 5.4 MB. Try to cut back on the music changes. Or cut the music to only put in what you will use. Lastly, you have to be consistant with your background style. I should not see white. The first background was not only in a different style and the size/proportions were off, but there was white space. The third background didn't have it at the bottom but at the top. Try to get the proportions better or use different style backgrounds that will conform to the size of your fighters. Hope this helps you out. You have some potential, but need a little boost to get there. Remember that no one gets perfect over night.

alafraga responds:

I don't now why the background was white, It's a glitch or something.


background is hell from mortal kombat HAHAHAHAHA

You do realize...

You do realize that Vegeta's Big Bang attack is a ball right? And the beam attacks should be a brighter color... Besides those few details.. it was pretty good.


Good Work!
An Amazing video with good effects.

alafraga responds:

Thank you! T.T

Pretty Cool

The Son Goku vs Vegeta one was pretty good. There were a few things I didn't like (Vegeta's death for example, not that he died just how ridiculous he looked). I wasn't a big fan of the ending with Freeza and Son Gohan how Cell shows up in Gohan's memories just so he can power up to SS2? Otherwise, I really liked it.