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Reviews for "Meditation - Waterfall"

Johann Pachabel

Being a musician, I enjoyed Johann Pachabel's Canon in D major. Um I think a more appropriate title for this movie would be waterfall(relaxation) and annoying senseless anticipation. Anyways, I was quite relaxed and ready to sleep by the movies end, so I guess it was quite effective. It was also something not regularly expected to be seen on Newgrounds.

looked very good

the graphics were great, and so was the sound, I was awake for two hours before I saw this, it made me want to go to sleep again.

I loved this...

The reason it only has a 1.32 rating right now is because people just don't have the attention span for it.


Just when I thought you did the best meditation combination with the Moonlight Sonata, you go out and use my all-time favorite peice of classical music Pachabel Cannon in D minor. A suburb flash which would have probably been my favorite in the series only if it had ran a bit more fluidly on high quality. Either or and this was a great animation none the less.

Great as usual

Nice touch with the rainbow. This is a great series indeed.