Funny well done!
Funny well done!
at first..
I thought this was just gunna be crap but after watching it the way threw i was really pleased! you got some comedic skill. It reminded me of eddsworld but had a charm all of its own! can't wait for your next one.... there is a next one right?!?! lol. were you inspired by eddsworld at all. not saying anything negative just wondering if you drew on them for inspiration?? thanks again for a good show and keep it up please! but just to give you a reason for the 8, i thought you could have done a bit better on the animation. maybe the next one take a bit more time? dunno maybe that's the look your going for. and in that case don't change anything!
Yeah i was inspired by eddsworld for this, but don't worry im not planning to "Rip it off" or anything over the course of a few episodes it will start to get more "original" and what not. :D
great animation
good voices
this is animated really well
it's funny too :)
It was pretty swell (as edd says)
It reminded me entirely of eddsworld, your style of drawing is eye candy
Exceeeept...for the poorly written script and storyline
If you pulled out a very good plot, then everything would be amazing!