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Reviews for "Mining the Endermen"

Best Minecraft Flash Ever!

Why? Because it did not have an exploding creeper in it. I'll leave constructive criticisim to everyone else. For the abovestated reason, I'm happy with it as is.


liked the sun face,and enderman can pick blocks and re'place' Get it?Re-place.haha,and the player exploded to much blocks,then enderman see the player can destroy more blocks than him =P (and i think he has a tree house...which was exploded[i'm a brasilian])

not tooo shabby....

well the flash was short, and it was quite basic but i thought that there was visible potential. Really try taking your time designing characters and try achieving the smoothest line quality possible. Slow down when your working on things, but the expressions and poses weren't to bad so keep at it!


you animation abilities are top notch, (no pun intended) but you need to work on story board, the concept was just kind of confusing...

SwedishPlumTrees responds:

Thanks a bunch for the critique. I will definitely try to improve upon my story telling. Thanks again.