An okay game, but the boring. Also I felt that the jumping was a bit off. like to erratic.
An okay game, but the boring. Also I felt that the jumping was a bit off. like to erratic.
thanks for the feedback.
Simple, creative, and fun! Very nice game if I do say so myself. The music was awesome and the over all idea of the game was great. With more experience I wouldn't mine seeing future games from you. Oh by the way I think the medal "Athletic" is bugged. I collected all the orbs but didn't get the medal. Oh well all in all good job!
thanks for the review and i'll see if i can fix the medal.
I like it! At some parts it's a little hard to jump, but still this game has lots of potential :)
thanks :)
Since this is your first game, I'll be nice and round up to a 3. There are several things that hurt the rating. First is that the ground detection fails when near the edge. You have to be more than 100% on the platform in order to jump even though you don't start falling until later, which causes a lot of deaths the first few times. The second thing is that there is indeed only one two-part level so the game itself is very short. Also, on hard, it's easy to be running so fast that you are jumping consistently and still miss a ledge (due to the first issue). Finally, why does hitting the side of a spike hurt, shouldn't it just be the top?
thanks for the review, will work on it and also the reason the spike hurts you on the side is just the lack of my actionscript knowledge :S otherwise i would have made spikes only hurt on top.
dude this was a fun and simple game you need to make it longer also mabey the red guys and traps shoud hurt more also make some flying red guys that would be cool
thanks for the feedback :D