clock day oh yea great game
clock day oh yea great game
im getting killed by the first boss so plz make it easier
I am now doing the guide to finish the game so why don't you wait for it, it may help you to get a nice strategy on bosses
Also, thanks for the five stars :D
Pretty fun game, it reminded me the old flash games days when a game was great by the concept and not the god damn graphics, as simple as awesome
Great game! Really good and very hard, like 1-life mode! But it is possible,
Spoiler: Secrets i found:
Zombie: retry 20 times
Get Out! Hero: Unlock all modes
Marathon: run 3000 pixels in one game session
Bouncing Rabbit: jump 500 times in one game session
1,2,3,4 and 5: complete a stage lvl 1-4+boss, without dying
Pm me if you found others, thanks
My music plays during the last boss? I will never get there to hear it :(
Thanks for that cool song :D