It was a good idea for a game so kudos for making a statement, and before you say it I know that I am going to sound like a totoal A@# for this comment because its not what your game is about, but my only gripe is the graphics.
It was a good idea for a game so kudos for making a statement, and before you say it I know that I am going to sound like a totoal A@# for this comment because its not what your game is about, but my only gripe is the graphics.
super great game. endings are cool but ive been plaing for about 1 hour straight and i still dont know how to get the 2 baised endings.
Great idea but a pain in the ass having to start from the beginning AGAIN.
I enjoyed this game immensely!
It's all just a farce when the children run away from you - if you run into them, it turns out that they are bloodthirsty too! Oh no, they've been brainwashed by their elders!
Watch out when changing screens as a murderer because the opposing colour's people reset positions. They'll teleport and kill you in the blink of an eye :D
A really great game wih may different outcomes, and the best ending of all is to leave the island immediately in my opinion. But, I have a prolem. How to get the Green Biased and the Red Biased endings?