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Reviews for "All illWillPress Episodes"

dude really if you were geting tired of him geting front page all the time then make a better movie/scit
and if you can thats great if you cant make things better then him don't be pulling another persons work down the craper think if so one posted thousands of videos like this of the work you do just my thoughts on the subject and i don't have a lot of right to speak because i just started watching his movies but still just let it fade on its own don't worry about something you cant control.

BoobMarley responds:

Why did you comment on this instead of letting it fade and not worrying about something you can't control? Oh yeah - the urge to express yourself. Feels good, right?
I put as much effort into mocking IWP as I feel IWP puts into some of his animations. And that was the point. I'm sure he does as much work as he feels necessary, and I'm also sure that he feels great when he publishes something that expresses his thoughts and feelings at the moment.

If seeing something get mocked, or razzed, or chided, or ridden down hurts your feelings, you might consider never browsing Newgrounds.

I honestly hope IWP sees this and thinks, "Haha, yeah I DO do that...". And just have that be the sum of this.

Ah ha ha ha.

I remember the days when the Star Syndicate, The Barney Bunch, and the UCFD railed against this nonsense, and risked getting banned for it.

But seriously, Illwillpress and his Neurotically Yours series has been satirized to death. It's common knowledge by now that JIM puts no effort into his movies and to this day, has not improved one aspect of his writing, his animation, or his artwork. Every episode from here on out boils down to
1. Foamy rants at something

2. Germaine has something weird done to her(breast implants, shaves head, gets fat, wears floral dresses, etc.), and despite this, she still serves as back drop weird sexual object and not a fully fleshed out character.

3. Lazy, minimalistic animation utilizing frames and art since 2004 and filtered photograph backgrounds.

The best compliment I can give to him now, is that at least he finally got around to fixing his line work by smoothing it out(Foam always had a jagged iris until recently). Though now it just looks like bland. That, and maybe he experiments more visual creativity in his art portal offerings.

The most damning thing about it is that this series back in the day, was that it was overrated to the point where it would easily win awards and get front paged, shunning more talented and hardworking animators and artists.

Neurotically Yours , for a short time for Illwillpress, made NG into a merchandising vehicle for himself, as well as a wannabe gothic, hot topic brand angst hive. Sometimes it got so bad, that Illwillpress could get front paged for posting a single scene, single frame picture, opinionated audio rant on Hurricane Katrina as a movie, and have his legions of fans praising it without a single thought.

But those days are now over. I know this because I lived through them. I've seen this site change in magnificent and frightening ways.

Nowadays Illwillpress and his ilk have faded into obscurity. The cloud over shrouding his fame is Egorapter, his Awesome series, and his many clones.

Newgrounds is now a haven for an endless after endless avalanche of generic video game parodies.

But I feel fine, because even so most of these current movies aren't completely original, they are at least, for the most part, far more visually creative and done by authors who love their work and subject material, care for their fans, and put far much effort into their movies then Illwillpress ever did with his Foamy cartoons.

It's not the perfect slice of heaven, but it's manageable, and occasionally, occasionally, I still as always find something truly remarkable and awe-inspiring that truly proves that the 10% according to Sturgeon's law is still worth dying for.

But anyway, this movie perfectly emulates Neurotically Yours to a T. I honestly cannot give this higher then 3.5/5 stars because of this. It doesn't take that much effort to make Foamy cartoons. It's gotten to the point where making fun of Illwillpress and his social-political squirrel sock puppet is old hat. This guy no longer wins easy awards like he used to do. Some Foam-heads have moved on to better and brighter things, whereas the ones that still remain will do as they always do, and nothing will change their opinion. This series, for all intents and purposes, is dead, and we can let it stay dead. Still, you're kind of funny and I give you credit for that. I like your choice of posters on the wall in the background.

Good luck on your next entry as always.

BoobMarley responds:

I had never seen an IWP animation until last week. This short animation wasn't the product of years of annoyance and frustration. I was seriously just that urgently compelled after having watched his stuff to put another project on hold for the afternoon and crank this out to get it all off my chest.
It only took 4 hours.

I really do appreciate your thoughts on the whole matter, and am glad there are folks in the community who don't have a stick up their ass about seeing their beloved Foamy and Germaine get mocked. It means a lot to have the understanding and support of a member who has seen much in his time here. Thank you.

about author:

1) sometimes eats peanut butter right out of anus
2) ?????
3) Shut up mom fap fap fap!

BoobMarley responds:

Heh heh, glad you liked it.

You're probably going to get a lot of crap from this video.
I found it really funny, and pretty accurate imo. Hopefully people aren't too butt hurt about it :)

BoobMarley responds:

I knew that posting this was a gamble, and I felt compelled to anyways because I know there are NG users like you who would get it and also understand why it might not be so well-received. So thanks, you've made this all worth it for me.

And yup... they pretty butthurt.

IWP episodes were shit back in 2004 and nothing has changed, Foamy has different colored eyes thats about it. So if you think this is abusive ask any member that was here before your lord and master deleted his original Neurotically Yours episodes the episodes are the same thing.

BoobMarley responds:

I appreciate you putting in your two cents to defend this. I knew I'd have to endure the slings and arrows of a large part of this community when I posted it, and your understanding and support have made my small endeavor worth it.