this really does reflect what facebook really is it fucked me once for nonsence and we need privacy in this shit
this really does reflect what facebook really is it fucked me once for nonsence and we need privacy in this shit
Yeah man. Should be careful with this privacy shit
And thats why im not on Facebook :)
You are lucky :)
Privacy is dead and buried.
couldn't be more true, you should have one public profile(to help persuade people you aren't a monster like everyone who met you says you are), and one profile for your very best friends, make sure to never let the two mix, otherwise you get arrested/suspended because you play video games, watch youtube videos, and share a newgrounds cartoon or two, depending on what age you are the legal consequences are different. remember, only people on the internet can be your very best friends, all local people are out to ruin you and eliminate you by backstabbing you for any reason (like if you are taller, stronger, and better looking than all the other guys in town), never trust anyone you meet in person, especially in a small town.
it is also important to note that some employers will not hire you if you don't have a facebook, those companies believe you are trying to hide something and that makes you danger to society in their eyes. so it is good to have that fake facebook with your real name to deceive those type of people. the only way to survive in real life is to be as fake as everyone else.
That's a good point!
and thats why i not put real info in the social network profiles... in my internet life i'm a female and live in gorontalo the location of that state it is in the very same ass the world