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Reviews for "underground railroad"

I give it an E for effort

Your history project dosent need to be on newgrounds.

ZiaoChaotic responds:

I had to put it on here. It is the only site I knew because the school's flash player didn't work

The voice from the previous slide won't stop when the next one starts playing. Also, was it necesarry to make this in flash for the school project? If it was just a presentation, PowerPoint would've been eaisier.

ZiaoChaotic responds:

Powerpoint is stupid. FLASH IS WAY COOLER plus PowerPoint can't do animation

"This is a school project we had to do. There is not supposed to be all you can go effort... " Are you fucking stupid? School projects are meant for you to go all out on here. And get creative with. Yeah, that shows your obviously a kid who doesn't give two shits about school. Fucking kids these days.

ZiaoChaotic responds:

I do give two craps about school. What you don't understand is I'm in gifted. I'm really smart, because I am above what a 13 year old could do. No one else in my school does what I do. They don't do programming, they don't do flash, they don't spend a lot of time on a computer, and they don't even know what Newgrounds is. Whenever I had to upload underground railroad in 5 minutes, everyone loved it, and thought it was cool. So don't even say I don't give two craps about school. I've been through so much hard crap like: Not getting an award on Honor's Night because the teacher thought he was nice to give it to someone else. Not to mention everyone always yelling at me for something I didn't do. So shut up, and leave me alone you big butthole.

ZiaoChaotic responds:
I do give two craps about school. What you don't understand is I'm in gifted. I'm really smart, because I am above what a 13 year old could do. No one else in my school does what I do.

In your school that is, there's BILLIONS OF PEOPLE IN THE WORLD
there's lots of people your age using flash.

Well yeah this should be kept for school but nice work.