How delightfully savage! I had seen you streaming the process for some of it, but most of that was all-new to me. Was Riesbyfe in there due to my mentioning her or did you already have her in mind for that?
*Prepares evil eye*
How delightfully savage! I had seen you streaming the process for some of it, but most of that was all-new to me. Was Riesbyfe in there due to my mentioning her or did you already have her in mind for that?
*Prepares evil eye*
Savage...I like that. Thank you! lol
Riesbyfe was always planned. At first, I wasnt going to show her until Part 2. But I changed it at the last minute.. So fix that face, sir! LOL
That really a good fighting good job! Is Jill Valentine screaming like Sheik from Super Smash Bros Brawl ? Or its just me who hear Sheik ?
I also heard some sheik O__O hmmm... strange.
That was great. I like how she had that badass fuck-yo-couch kind of sway.
Thank you! XD
That's pretty much what I was going for too!
I love it. Though her weapon looks like an awesome giant syringe..... Probably just me... Keep up the work!!!!
LOL! not just you, I've heard it before xD and Thank you!
WOW, both shift and shit 2 are awesome! but i cant help wondering who is good and who is evil, if either of main characters are at all. also, the weapons are awesome, but what exactly are they? i mean they're obiously half sword i guess, but why do they have to be reloaded? anyway, great job! cant wait to see what the third animation will bring.
It resembles a large handheld cannon tipped with a spike, has the power to completely destroy an opponent; body and soul. The cannon appearance is created by Ciel herself, being manifested in that form by her own will. The Seventh Holy Scripture is made from the horn of a mystical beast, and is inhabited by the spirit of a young girl sacrificed during its creation.
Straight from wiki.