Neither the alien is able to kill the hobo. XD :D
Neither the alien is able to kill the hobo. XD :D
I love this game since i was 10 xD Now i'm 16
2 and a half because its hard but I like the wepons :)
I'm sorry you were so disappointed with the game. You actually gave me 1 and a half stars, not 2 and a half. Do you really think this game deserves such a low score just because you found it challenging? This is the 5th instalment of the game after all, it should be expected that this is a bit more difficult and not a walk in the park. It makes me sad that you don't consider all of the hard work and effort I put into this game :(
I love all of the Hobo games! My best friend showed me this game 2 years ago before I gotten an account and when I was able to see him and it looked so fun! It also helps me with my anger management. I get to punch and kick stuff and people on the computer where no one is even getting bothered. I bugged a lot people in my life so this is the perfect game for people with anger problems.
That's awesome! I'm so glad these weird games of mine helps you to find an outlet for your aggression. That's really great and I'm glad you're enjoying the Hobo series. Thanks for the comments and the 5 stars! Much appreciated :)