Movie of the year, every year.
Movie of the year, every year.
Fans like you are what it's all about! :)
This is perfect.
You're perfect!
Hahaha, this is great! The quality isn't pretentious of trying to be something it's not, its just being the sketches it is. Really awesome work! I wish I could draw like that in the car.... Make more!!!
Wow, thanks! It'll probably be a while before I make another one of these but I appreciate the support!
Oh my god, I wasn't prepared for this
No kidding, I adored the simple story telling, it was super fluid and fun, and man, the NY scene had awesome shots!
Please keep up and post more stuff.
Wow, glad you dug it man, thanks!
Still one of my favorite animations on this site, I always come back to watch it from time to time