Really funny! I put sunglasses on my head AND my face and got a 2% increase on my swag! TWO PERCENT! Also, I have to pay $100 to go barefoot?! WTH?! lulll
Really funny! I put sunglasses on my head AND my face and got a 2% increase on my swag! TWO PERCENT! Also, I have to pay $100 to go barefoot?! WTH?! lulll
I beat it. This is a funny game. For some reason I keep playing this song while I play this game. (It is called Whistle by Flo Rida.)
Its Every TIME need Traning Yeah i do traning AND I MISS SOMTING I SAY [What the hell am l missing? all coplete even am pupet] I FORGOT THERE IS A CLOTERS TO BUY AND LOOK COOL oh yeah about the game 1000 stars
One step closer to becoming Ricardo...
so ahead of its time