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Reviews for "Endless Turret Defence"

I genuinely loved this game, it has all the main aspects of a fun game, good music, good turrets, and evil enemies. This game has all! I have hardly any improvement ideas for a sequel.

First idea, please can you name the turrets, everyone likes to know roughly what there turret can do by what it is called, also can you write a short description about each gun please?

Second idea is can you please add better sounds for when your guns shoot and when you kill the enemies as right now the guns sound like slingshots or rubber bands being fired lol :D.

I hope you found my feedback useful, keep it up dude this game is great fun, ignore bad ratings and people trolling, just work on improving and eventually everyone will rate five starts like Me! :D This was a great idea,you just need to refine it.

Vertew out for now....


Great game, really fun to play.

only one complaint from me. Please put in a pause button PLEEEEEEEEAAAASE.

Great game, good job

The attribute tags of your turrets are very unhelpful. What is "AS"?