Great and fun game :D
Great and fun game :D
Thanks :) Congrats on getting all medals!
i like
Thx & congrats for getting all medals.
Great concept.
When you understand the mecanic it's very easy to take all your medals but it's not a problem for me.
Thanks :). Congrats for getting all medals.
Why hello :p
I left you a slightly longer review on your LD page, but nothing special there either.
I enjoyed the game for a while (I played on though), and I liked most of the elements. Good job for making this in such a short while ;)
Thanks. Shame on me I didn't looked a long time at the LD page to respond, cause I'm busy with another project xD, I'll have to catch up the commenting.
Very nice game, nice idea, but I can't get more than 3. It is really reaaaaaaaally hard, the hardest part is not keeping em up, is letting em all jump at the same time on the start.
Thanks. I believe you can achieve all medals :) Don't give up & good luck!