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Reviews for "Nanobot Within"

Good shooter :)

Works perfectly on Firefox too :)

Elementalys responds:

Good to hear! Thanks for playing!

I thought this game was slow paced.
I then realized that you can upgrade speed.

On another note, the details on the cells are a bit...

But seriously though, wonderful game.

Elementalys responds:

Yeah, I made the learning curve pick up very low and the 2 first lvl are pretty slow. The game is never super fast but it does get faster.

Don't mind those details haha. I wanted to make the robots seem like in some alien environment they don't belong too and stuff. Didn't exactly work but that's just my weird artistic and humor side.

Nice game with fresh ideas on plot and nice looking elements. I liked it.

Elementalys responds:

Thx man, very appreciated!

While the main levels are a bit too slow and easy compared to the boss fights, the unique cell healing and killing mechanic is fun.

The big issue for me is that the hitbox for the ship is well, the whole ship. Most shooters like this use a smaller hit detection area around the center of the ship. For example the pattern the second boss fires would be easy to dodge if you could actually weave around it, but as it stands most of the game was just waiting for an opening, firing a shot or two then getting out of the way. Not too much strategy or skill without being able to weave through the patterns. I noticed that the white cells have a smaller hitbox than the entire cell, so I am curious to know why the whole ship is used as one.

I wouldn't mind seeing more shooters where there are good and bad things to shoot or not shoot. Maybe add a combo system to healing cells and destroying bad pathogens? I hope you expand upon this system!

Elementalys responds:

Well, I made choices and some of them don't really make sense I guess. I started to doubt the idea of using the whole ship as hitbox really late in the making and it was too late to rebalance everything. I'll try the faster gameplay and smaller hit box next time. As for combo, yeah I like the idea!

Thank you for playing and writing a review!

Ok. The game looked good at first, but the game play is horrible.

All the enemies are moving very smoothly. But the players nanobot just hops from one point to another. I guess you use some kind of grid for the players position, right ? you should drastically increase the resolution of that grid.

Next, the messages at the beginning of each level should stay for at least double the time. I had to kill myself twice at each level to read all the information.

What system do you use to calculate the amount of stars gained at each level ?
I guess something like Passed level (1), no damage at health (2) and no damage at all (3). You should explain that to the player so we can keep an eye on this facts while playing a level.
for me: First level 3 stars - all the other just 1; and i don't know why i didn't got more.

All in all, the game was playable and i discovered no bugs so far. But please try to further improve your game. 3.5/5

Elementalys responds:

Thank you for playing and writing that review! I updated the game following your advises.