i like the ending part when you finally get out of the submarine the puzzles were easy and the game was fun
i like the ending part when you finally get out of the submarine the puzzles were easy and the game was fun
Pretty good. The story is nice and makes sense, but the fate of the rebellious crew is unaccounted for. Also, kudos to you for having Captain Nemo simply die by bleeding to death from a harpoon to the leg. That's a pretty realistic way to die. As for the placement of items, the handle and metal bar's locations were a bit perplexing but since the protagonist questioned how/why they got there in the first place, I'll let it pass. The rest of the items do make sense as well. As for the puzzles, they took a bit to figure out but surprisingly, the one that involves spelling out NEMO was pretty easy to figure out yet the one involving Nemo's belt was a bit hard mainly due to not expecting to use the belt in that fashion especially since it's a bit clunky looking. Overall, you did very well with this game and it is quite fun so that is all what really matters. Nice job!
P.S. You also made a mistake where the items in the locker can be accessed with undoing the lock. It's not that bad really but should be pointed out.
Really nice game but what in the same hell do you find to combine the engine gears? 4.5/5
Nice escape game :)
Graphic was great! Game play was alright.
The four-digit code to turn on the radar was quite simple if you've paid enough attention (hint: diver's suit).
I know I must be a creative person to try the oxygen tank with the hatch cos it worked! Muahaha