This is a damned tricky auto runner. Excellent quality graphics, sound and brilliantly innovative gameplay as with Soul Driver. Only played for about ten minutes, but I've bookmarked it because I'm definitely going to want to finish this one. Seems like a steep learning curve to me... perhaps I'm just getting old and slow, so keep it steep! A game that's too easy is for little kids!
Wonderfully comprehensive- shop for upgrades, skins, extra moves, good explanation of new moves as they're activated and well done for putting reminders for them in the menu screen... this is how it's done: You jump right in and play with basic moves, receive one more thing at a time- you don't get dumped in the deep end from the get go.
Flawlessly coded overall- glitch and bug free. Great sound design. Excellent animation reminiscent of some of the madness games (limbs? We don't need to see no steenkin' limbs! Torso, head, hands and feet are fine. The moves are pretty cool too. Most of all, it's a whole lot of fun- even when failing hard- just makes you want to jump right back in and do it right!
I haven't played the first Rogue Soul... how did I miss it? Well, that's not going to happen again: Thanks and favourited, Soulgame! Five stars.