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Reviews for "Boxer Man Episode 1"


Greatness, I saw #11, and I liked it, so I'm about to view all the others, I like how short they are..why make a funny joke more lines than it has to be? all the other short crappy movies, are crappy cause they have no joke, not cause their short!...I have very much enjoyed the two I've seen, lets hope the other 9 are just as grand,..and Oh oh! I think they will be!


dude, u gotta make more...but where's #3?

it was short...

but it was funny. im gonna watch the rest now...


at first i thought this would be one of those fighting movies

A series that is hysterical in that manaical way

STFU n00b, WTF is this I WTF all UR flash B-cuz UR Flash is az n00b as U R