Damn this is gold, make it rain 5's.
Damn this is gold, make it rain 5's.
Thank you, really glad you liked it, and thank you for a follow :D
Wow this was... stunning o.o it's all I can say, it's a whole new way to use sprites xD and I do sprite movies (also check them out when you have a free time :) ) the only thing that retains me of giving it 5 stars it's the style of sprites, 8-bit sprites are not my favorite ones but that's just me... I voted 5 so don't worry :)
Really appreciate your review and thank you very much for a 5 :)
I'll be sure to check your movies and leave couple of reviews ;)
Hahaha this is awesome. I love how Donkey Kong is the Hulk
Thank you, really glad that you like it :D
Hey this looks really great i really enjoyed watching this the only problem i would have was the voice it was really hard to hear at times if you could change that this would get my full five.
Thank you very much for the review, really glad you liked it :D
I will see what I can do about the voice. Thanks for the suggestion :)
Now imagine an entire Avengers movie in 8-Bit style. :D Well, no doubt that's what this was made to make you imagine, but it's a shame such a massive project will probably never be made, only previews of the grandeur they could contain. Nice trailer!
I think the whole movie would be a bit hard on the eyes to watch xD
Thank you for the review, really appreciate it :)