i love that episode.
i never realised how many names they gave that twat in the film. big mclargehuge was always my favourite.
i love that episode.
i never realised how many names they gave that twat in the film. big mclargehuge was always my favourite.
Mine too!
splint blast chees lol
that was nice make more. that wood be cool if some one made something like that on NG for the bad movie!!hint hint hint. i wish it was not on only on saterday at 8:00 hint hint hint
it rocks
the best one is definatly Big McLarge Huge. I love that episode i think i shall watch it again right now
1nce again i say mst3k funniest show ever
and it is
our small cult of mst3k fans
...are the only people who could love this. i laughed so hard, thank you so much for this