xD best video on newgrounds ever! :P
xD best video on newgrounds ever! :P
Thanks. :-) even though I expect it might get blammed. ;-)
Tenouttaten. TENOUTTAFUCKINTEN! This is one of the funniest Bible parodies I've ever seen. I'm gonna have "Ride that gay ass Jesus, ride that gay ass!" stuck in my head for weeks now. Someone should make a ten hour loop of that.
In all seriousness though, this is a fantastic submission. The animation's kinda simple but it looks nice. The voice acting is good and the comedic delivery is spot on. I love it.
Thanks. :-) To be honest the song was in my head all yesterday too. :-)
No, we're all probably going to Hell for that one... lol... hap-hap-happy Easter...
Thanks., you too. :-)
This has to be displayed at sunday schools. Now I understand everything about the easter egg shabalaba ding dong story.
I'll talk to the Pope and see if we can get right on it. ;-)
lmao at that final segment of song which out of context would sound pretty twisted! Entertaining little short about asses and resurrections. Happy Easter!
Thanks. You too. :-)