He's done it again.
Owl Three is a great story, much as I have come to expect from the author. It's refreshing to see a gem amongst the tripe that sometimes seems to engulf Newgrounds, with all the 'Clock', 'Anti-Clock', and 'Anti-Anti-Clock' that goes around, as well as the 'My Stick Figures are better than your Stick Figures'. Oz Thomas makes no attempt at appeasing the general audience, but carves out his own niche with surprising effectiveness. I must admit, Owl Three was not as engrossing as Owl One, but it was a good story--although it's hard to believe it's over so soon. =) If you're looking for things you'd typically find on Newgrounds, this isn't it. But if you're looking for a diamond in the rough (and it doesn't get much rougher than Newgrounds... =D), then you will be pleasantly surprised by this submission.