Nice job
Even though it's not directly interactive, it gets you involved, so that's why you got a 10. You should work for PBS! Now let me respond to someone else.
"but force in response to unjust force is sometimes neccesary (Allied retaliation for Japan and Germany's actions, the UN reaction to the Iraqi seizure of Kuwati oil fields)."
No, force for the sake of protection from an unjust force is necessary. Force in response to an unjust force is just revenge. Ideally, we should have fought World War 2 to control Germany and Japan's expansion, not to get back at the Japanese for Pearl Harbor.
"Also, what of the issue of abortions? A woman owns her own life, but does her life encompass the life of her fetus?"
Well since that fetus wouldn't have been born without her eggs, yes.
"But since the fetus is contained within the woman's body, which is her life, does that make the woman's life and the fetus' life one in the same?"
No, but she does have some say in it, since she gave up part of her life for it to exist.