What The Fuck????
O.K, im new.... I dont known why everyone hates
that unknown 34 guy so much? i saw his ffpits...
i dont see whats so bad about it.. its better
than some other submissions....
So the Guy Made a couple bad movies, BIG FUCKIN
DEAL, Hes a begginer... When i started I sucked
ass to. You probably all did to! So, I dont Know
Why Everyone Even Cares.. Thats stupid Picking
on one guy, That every time he comes here he
Gets put down by every one when he is Trying.
Some People Come here for fun, they dont want
there fun ruined by some 17 year old FUCK sitting
on his ass and dosn't have any life, So the 17 year old just pratices Flash every second of his Pathetic Loser Life, making him better at this TOOL! I cant believe People Would Get So Fucked
Up Over Over a couple bad movies?
Non-Idiots Rule.......