I heart Spark Ball
I heart Spark Ball
But is it glorious and notorious!?
The artwork is still the same as last episode, however with newer settings we get to see some more fleshed out areas and they look pretty damn good. The animation though has gotten even better. It seems to be moving faster making the movement more fluent and therefore the comedic timing better as well, it is pretty much perfect. The sound effects are still just as good, the music during the training and of course that credits theme are just as good! The voice acting is better this time around and couple that with the story, it had me laughing from the beginning all the way to the end. Truth be told I did not see that ending coming so I want more of this series.
|| Cheers ||
*Great Artwork
*Masterful Animation
*Great Sound
*Superb Music
*Superb Voice
*Masterful Story
|| Jeers ||
#moarbackhands indeed! Thank you for the genourous review we are glad you enjoyed and rest assured there is plenty more to come booooiiiii
Backhand rocked the episode all along :D Great job! Looking foward to see more.
Thanks glad you enjoyed episode 3 is in progress so stay tuned we will not disappoint
Ohhhhhhhh myyyy goooooood his weakness. It was backhaaaaaands. Another cool episode. Loved the redman bit.
Who'd have thought it! Thanks for the love! More backhands to come!