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Reviews for "Running out of Space"

Short and sweet but really fun while it lasted. Like swinging on an old swing set that's on its last legs and laughing when it breaks and you fall on your ass five feet away because you were mid-swing. Ah, the good ol' days.

I will admit, the game could use a little polishing, because movable blocks can push or carry you into the terrain. I first encountered this with the block at the bottom of the screen that carries you to the right after the small puzzle where you have to move one block out of the way of another block that you need to move onto the circle-X button. I was curious if it would push me off when it went under the platform ahead, and it actually carried me into it. This wasn't a problem because I came out the other end just fine and could jump to the next platform to continue as normal. After that, I replayed the game to take the route you were supposed to, and when I got to that part and jumped up to the ledge I ignored before, I wasn't paying attention and kept moving the block to the button while I was still standing in it. The block pushed me into the platform, and even after moving the block back, I couldn't get out. Couldn't jump up or walk to either side. I was completely stuck. The former situation is more of a polishing issue than anything, something akin to speed-running glitches, but the latter actually interferes with gameplay. This game is a few years old, though, so I don't expect any changes to be made.

That said, I would definitely play a longer, multi-level version of this game. I love the visual style and the gameplay. Incorporating holding the mouse buttons to move the blocks was a pretty cool feature and something I don't see in many games. The music fits nicely and was pleasant to listen to as well.

Not going to rate the game, as I'm not sure if I'm missing something major.

But it appears there is a game-breaking...well, not bug. Design error. When playing this game on a webpage, the scroll wheel scrolls the webpage as well as game elements. This means you can scroll 'up' without significant consequences, but scrolling down makes the game roll up out of view even as you move objects. You can then click the scrollbar to bring it back into view, but at that point the game ceases to be any fun.

Obviously, if it were fullscreen, or if the scrollwheel were locked to the game, it might be playable and fun, but I can't find out.

endernoobz responds:

Added an option to use left and right mouse button to move blocks, you can also find a version of the game on GameJolt that you can play online or on windows using the scroll wheel. Thank you for the feedback!

Great concept but as it happens often, I find the games coming out of Ludum Dare lacking. I'm not sure what the goal there is, but if it is to create a "complete" game in 48h, this would not be complete in my eyes. Of course, given the time limit, I can understand it. But there are a few exceptions that feel complete even though there are simple mechanics. This one on the other hand feels like it ended because the developer ran out of time - which isn't meant as accusation given the LD context.

But how to rate this game? Well it's hard, by normal standards I'd give like a 3 because of the shortness, in the context of the Ludum Dare I'd give a 4 because it is solid, interesting and something that can be built upon. So let's meet in the middle with 3,5/5 :)

Funny little game. Had one bug though: a movable block pushed me through the terrain causing me to get stuck. Maybe getting squished should either stop the moving block OR kill the astonaut? :/

An interesting game, but I can't help but feel that it was lacking.