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Reviews for "Zombie Shooter"

quite alright game for ur first one =)


good but needs lots of refining, like i glitched myself out of the map, you change which way you ain when holding the fire button, holding the fire button glitches it, the map design is eh and so is the music, the characters looks good but the background is kinda basic, you could have made it like a suburbs house or i dunno a wallmart?

Very good for your first game. But I would like to mention a few things that would make your game even better and maybe you can implement it in your next games. Do not allow enemies to attack when the player has not seen them, as this leaves the player with a sense of injustice. Add more feedback on the shots and when enemies are hit, more sounds, flash screen, camera shake, ... About level design, add more objects to the scene, even if they have no gameplay function, anything breakable would make the level more interesting. These are just a few simple tips that can make just about any game better. I wish you the best and congratulations on publishing this game, many devs never even finish any projects.

For your first game it's pretty ambitious. Having and upgrade system and everything.
The game seems to suffer from pretty bad screen tearing when moving though.