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Reviews for "BlockRhythm"

this would suit someone who is a big fan of Undertale's combat system very well, sadly I stink at it lol. main drawback is in its lack of art style.

this is super high quality considering it was made in scratch

La velocidad del cubo del jugador es una tercera parte o cerca de la mitad de los cubos rojos, parece que estoy bailando para esquivar los ataques, pero un baile muy lento.

I'm not good at bullet hells and I really want to love this game, but I can't. If you are too close to the wall, it's impossible to react to the blocks. And, often you need to go pretty close to the wall to dodge some of the patterns. This means this game is very memorization heavy. Memorization is ok from time to time, but this is too much for me.

Nice concept, Bad adaptation. You need more work on the design and the resolution of the game. You can put more time into it and do something really great! The music is a bit too loud, you can make a "Volume Option" since it's a rhythm game. I see that every level is programed by hand and that's long I know. You can always add a "Hit Mark" when you got hit to know what's going on because of the square scroll kinda fast!

As I said, the concept is not bad but looks like a concept. You need to develop and I encourage you more than ever! :D

♥ Luv from GlitchyDust ♥

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