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Reviews for "Haunted House"


I didn't think it was that great...sorry...I was really about to get into it, but since all it did for me was remind me of a text book from school I lost intrest...so I went through the house...every room, and outside, went everywhere, and got every scroll (but I didn't read them, only the ones in like 2 rooms, then I just wanted to get them all) hoping that I could beat it and it would end but...nothing happend, and I ran through the house forever with nothing to do aaahhh!!! Either way, I voted 5 because it looked like it was alot of hard work and the animation and action scripting was really good.

Armegalo responds:

Well it did took lot of work. The only way to get out is to get every scroll, then go to the backyard go all the way to the left then read the stuff and the exit will appear.

Great job!

I think my IQ went up 1000000000 from that. Lol

Very well done.

This is one of the best flashes I have ever seen on newgrounds. Next to that cooking flash called Deep Fried this could be one of the most formative flashes on newgrounds ever. Your skills with flash are also very high. You must be a very intelligent person for making this flash. Two thumbs up!


This was great. I got more interest out of reading the text then roaming around the castle though. Still, a great game.


One of the funest educational games ever made. really. i had fun being scared with this game.