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Reviews for "In the Valley of Souls Deluxe Edition"

Genuinely one of the coolest little games I've ever played. Especially for a game made in 48 hours.

Very interesting gameplay idea. The way to play the game is totally unpredictable. I love when the fourth wall breaks!! But double-jumping is really hard to do but exclude that, playing this game was very fun.

Well... I do enjoy the "break the fourth wall" plot. And I do want to know what the ending is. But the "don't activate him" part was just too frustrating for me. I wasted like an hour on it and it still keeps touching the icon and it's all restarting from the beginning. So between "stop playing" and "smash your keyboard and PC" I've chosen "stop playing". Sorry. I'm a casual player, not a hardcore one. Maybe the game needs a disclaimer or something


could someone tell me how to pass the part of the infinite loop