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Reviews for "The Santa Crows' Gift"

This must be Russian Culture or folklore.

It had a deep idea that it did, but it was more of a dark theme that seemed to be about a dead soul coming back to life to rob the life of....what i'm guessing... who robbed its own life... to Find another individual to care about the revived beast from another person who knew what it was originally...? right?

idk that what i caught onto. NOT BAD OVERALL! XD

Woah, this was a great cartoon. The best thing about it was how it was so unpredictable. The most haunting part was when the cat was resurrected. Well, I guess it never really died per se. It looked like some skinned animal. The kid seemed to like it after awhile!

I admit that it's weird to see this after Christmas. Oh, what the heck? It's just a wonderfully unique idea. I love the dark tone. It's weird how this won awards on two different days?

Great Animation!

Black and white is cool.
And there is two Daily Place.
Therefore, I think that it is new!!

Need clear up

it was really confuse, because dont give any clear information

but once you think and try to recontruct in your head, you get whats the history is
but if you dont try or lost your time doing that, looks like it suck, and its easy to say it did


I agreed to all the people who said that this muvi sucks...