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Reviews for "part 1: synj vs. horrid"

Hmmmm, it was pretty good...

But I don't know if it deservered a front page, I mean, it was good, but it felt off. Well, I don't think you should have finished the ep. at that scene, just cutting it off in the middle. I know your making another one, but you didn't provide 'anticipation'. Sure, I'll watch the next one, but I won't be expecting it. Overall, it was great, but lacking.

another synj movie

it was good but alike some of your other greats it was short.....

That was it?????

It was ok shoulda made pt 1 at least a lil longer


again these two are amazing. Ahh yummie synj work!


Lol very kool, nice graphics and slik animation.
Oh and the music, i understand is Carmina Burana techno remix?