oh wow, a synthetic voice interviewing another synthetic voice but used on a disabled person who is also a genius scientist, wow am i impressed!!!
oh wow, a synthetic voice interviewing another synthetic voice but used on a disabled person who is also a genius scientist, wow am i impressed!!!
Would love to see more environments in your next movie good work on this
Another good one.
You should start putting in some backgrounds,endless possibilities: having Clangon chasing guests through the audience or throwing tv cameras at stupid questions from the audience...
to the last reviewer
at least he can use flash, you shouldn't be making fun of his material if you can't even make this, you stupid asshole
it was a good concept of having a robot thinking that he was being copied by a retarded guy in a wheel chair aka stephen hawkings. could've been longer. oh i also like the technical difficulties picture where clangon is umplugged from the wall. it was allright. made me laugh. but then again i laugh at kids with downs so...