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Reviews for "A Naïve Admirer"

You are so talented! I love the effort you've put into the composition of this track. I keep thinking the middle section of this piece is gonna go into a russian version of Harry Potter. Is that the Joshua Bell violin? :) sounds really nice! Some parts of the mix sound a little dry but otherwise it the mix sounds pretty nice. I love the attention to dynamics on each individual part!


Everratic responds:

I'm glad you like it!

Ah! Can't believe I forgot to review the final product. I like the blissful melodic and the swells in energy that occur on a call-and-response basis. The waltz-like vibe of the piece is really nice. The transition at :41 is a tad sudden, but I've warmed up to the note lengths on the dramatic strikes at around the 1-minute mark. The mix is quite clean, if a bit quiet. The orchestral samples in the piece are quite good. I especially like the violin at around 1:40 (and other places, of course, but that section stands out because the violin is so exposed). The modulation at 2:05 was also really well-done, given the trill before it. The subito piano at 2:22 sounds really cool, too. I think your idea of what the song is about fits the character of the piece perfectly. Beautiful work, BO! Good luck in the ADM. ^_^

I don't know why but this could totally be in a Pokémon Game, so peaceful and rhytmic aswell. Really great!

There's a reason why I favorited this, and now I feel bad for not leaving a review here earlier lol. But, now that I'm doing the random reviews for NGADM peeps, I will do a review on this. And I must say, I still enjoy this even now. I can hear every intention, when the boy starts dancing at the very beginning, him questioning himself at 1:07, and it all fits perfectly. I enjoy the story, how it's simple but easy to follow, and how the music pumps in the right feelings at the right time.

With that said, it's hard to find things wrong with this, but if there's one thing I will say, it's that the ending feels slightly weird. It was a little awkward to end on the big build at 3:21 (then again, it could just be the acceptance of the girl loving him or whatever the ending suggests), but it feels more awkward going further and ending on the piano end right after. They almost feel like they're trying to make both people who like big endings and people who like simple endings happy. It doesn't fit, though.

Overall, it's really good, though. This has a big chance in NGADM. Real good job and good luck to you :D