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Reviews for "Distopia"

Yeah A+

That IS good. That music made it a bit better, and good work of animation there man. Oh as for putting humour to 10 is because of the part where that guy just jumps in.


that was just funny.........hahahahah made me laugh so hard hahaha the people building the castle nd they were hanging off the castle by one hand nd banging with the other LOL..... nd ppl jumping in out of nowhere....nd then "TRAITOR" jumps out of nowhere.. lol drawings were pretty BAD...but to the point of being funny hehe. gooood jooob *ivonne* :D

Good Job

This was great and it was funny when the guy jumped in. With work like this, I'm sure you should get an "A" for the grade. Good Job!


The movie was very creative and original, but the fact that it was a school project, doesn't mean people can't vote bad. So, just let the votes come in how they come, and don't care about it too much. Your material is fresh and original, so dont worry about that stuff. Good job.

It was pretty good

cant wait for moreb

Radness responds:

Thanks, I never thought of doing something like this more, maybe more genres?