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Reviews for "Teen chptr .1"

flower boy : )

At first it was tight seeing the dude drawn but then it got boring. I guess the story was ok but to not want to kill yourself because of flowers???? I guess to each his own.

Okay, but not great

Graphics - I believe the graphics were superior some of the stuff I've seen here, it could be a little better, but it's cool the way it is too.

Style- Your style was okay... but you have to add more to it.

Sound- There wasn't really any sound... and that doesn't help it much...

Violence- Violence was only hinted at, but turned away from in the end. This can be a good thing.

Interactivity- There wasn't much interactivity with this one.

Humor- This isn't a very humorous topic, so it shouldn't be viewed as such.

Overall- I believe that this has the potential to become something really good, but it needs some work.


You submitted this one earlier today. That's two movies that have had double-submits today...that I've seen...

Very insperational

but not too good. sorry but blam from me... hmm does anyone else here feel like Simon from American Idol? I DO!

((( HMMMMMMM )))

Hmmm ok well abit different, well there should some sound or music, and then maybe add a play/w/stopaction button, and also a replay button, that looping is well just anoying, voices are needed though...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: A film with b/w style frame by frame style, different and unique...
