it was cool make more i voted a 4 for it so make more!!!!! e-mail me at
it was cool make more i voted a 4 for it so make more!!!!! e-mail me at
it's not very cool !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-(
it's not very cool...
u can do beter
it was cool but it was a little short the music was good and i liked the slo mo but try to put more into it like better graphics better tricks kinda like a real skate vid if u do that it wud be a little bit better
Well even though there are tons of thease i havnt seen one in a long while, but it was ok, could use a play button, art wise it was ok, music well nice touch, didng care much for the slow motion, but notbad work...
This might possibly be the shittiest movie EVER!
My lord, you need to practice your fucking flash skills!