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Reviews for "Super Blaster Bros."

That was ok

I thought this thing was pretty funny with it's cast of charaters and weapons, but you forgot the kitchen sink...:) Looks like it'd be good to me.

Luke-Harris responds:

Thank you.


That was cool. I saw it on another profile though. It should become a game on newgrounds.

Luke-Harris responds:



dude you are the funniest video maker in the world in my opinion

Very tasteful parody . . . great use of crappy

characters. Having the hidden characters be cornballs was highly amusing. Maybe next year, we can settle this, once and 4 all. I'm preparing 4 the fight of my life, cause I know kung-foo . . . do U?!?!?

-Don Cornball
-Founding Member of the UnderDawgz

What use is Fish Food im a fight?

Ooh I loved that music is that another remix from Overclocked remix?
It was a great idea adding the chracters and all but I think you streched it a little with adding that monster from Monsters Inc becuase Super Smash Brothers was meant to be a game between specifically Nintendo Icons However with the buying of Sonic and quite a lot of attnetion between the rivarly between Sonic and Mario I woudl liek to see him in the game.
Either way good work.