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Reviews for "Castle Crashers Livesey Walk"

Ngl this is pretty cute n funny. Love this!

SomeTinyCritter responds:

I'm glad you like it, thank you so much! ^-^

So rad!

SomeTinyCritter responds:

Ayy cheers Redd!! ^-^\m/

Sandvich make me strong!- Heavy tf2

SomeTinyCritter responds:

I actually heard somewhere that the sandwich in Castle Crashers is inspired by the TF2 sandwich ^-^


SomeTinyCritter responds:

Cheers, m8!! ^-^b

I see a severe lack of rammy, or snailburt, or the fencer, or industrialist, or most importantly, hatty. Is this their first playthrough together? Either way i love this.

SomeTinyCritter responds:

I did consider adding animal orbs but it was taxing enough animating just the knights ^^; Animation is hard! Haha

Thanks again!!