I like it
Even though its not graphically the best, it's still pretty cool. :)
I like it
Even though its not graphically the best, it's still pretty cool. :)
But it stops too suddenly! Make a good ending, and people will like it more!
its okay !
Not a bad idea ! I kind a liked it !
the background music was cool yeah....i love that old theme of NG ! NG should put it back on again !
Anyways, its an okay movie ! Also....it just stops so suddenly...just like Glorfindel said.
uhhh...i am not sure you are aware of this....but this is pretty much just "NG is under attack!!" but uhh...the little flash icon people have been replaced with gray radial fills and yeah everything else was pretty much the exact same only crappier.no offence to u man no one pays us creators to do what we do but i thought you should be aware that you spent a week making something that was a crappier version of somethin else :P
it was ok