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Reviews for "CS Stickup-Sticks"


hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha haahahaahaaaaahhaahaahahaaaaha hahaahhaaahhahhahahahahhahahah hahahahhahahahahahahaahahahaha hahahahhahahahahahahahaahahhaa and more HA!

very good counter-strike parody

this is a very good movie
there's only one problem, the blood
work on the blood and you'll be the best

and thank you for the help for defend your castle

Yeah it was alright

not bad but not great Counter-Stick is better but u did pretty good i liked the bit when the guy dives and shoots it was alright for a first movie :) hope your next one is better

funny but still crap

that was hillarious but only cuz it was so stupid. i give u a 6 because it made me laugh alot but it was still pure stupidity. but thats a good thing just not in this case. funny but the idea was bad.

good attempt

pretty well done, altho the waking up and its all a dream .... BORING. :)