all i have to say........
that was just really funnny you should uv waited till easter to submit it
all i have to say........
that was just really funnny you should uv waited till easter to submit it
thanx, we wuld have but we had the idea today AND finished it today so u kno...
Leave USA alone
you should'nt watch creamyteens movies if you are
A.) gay
B.) a canadian showing too much pride
C.) Retarded
D.) Had funky bum in the last 3 weeks
And the only talent Canada has is Mike Myers i mean who else? michael J Fox? Avril Lavigne? dont make me laugh cause one of them has Parkisans and the other one has aids and is a poser
And wheres your cars? some fag said america's cars suck but i would rather do a drive by in a V8 Camaro than a card board box with power drills to power the wheels
you stole that june bug in molases part from south park!
No Shit, Asshole.
I dont know it just wasnt great maby you should try something different good luck
based solely on sound FX
the only thing i liked about this was your sound effects. concept wasn't very good.. graphics were terrible.. and it really isn't funny. i'd give you a 0 and recommend you blammed if it weren't for the slight chuckle i got outta hearing 'OH MY GOD!' screamed by that gayass easter bunny.