I'm not joking, my first attempt was 4:20:18 with 69 deaths.
I'm not joking, my first attempt was 4:20:18 with 69 deaths.
Enraging? Yeah for sure
Fun? Definitely!
Wishlisted on Steam? You know it baby! What a fun and clever game, I enjoyed this a lot more than I thought and the music is so much fun too, The final level on Easy seemed to be a little buggy for me from what I could tell? Like I'd land on the edge of the platforms but still fall through, Regardless though I enjoyed this game and can't wait for the full release!
i think i know why that happens, the collider for falling in the hole is not always directly on the bug, it will lag behind when you go fast and be in front of you when jumping. its supposed to help alleviate issues where u miss your jump by a couple pixels, but it has some odd behavior if you over jump. just thought of a fix for it tho may have to update
10/10, I found a soft lock, if you turn on the bouncy modifier and bounce between two walls the screen goes black except for the timer and you can't escape
music is great. some reason my bug would turn black upon forming a spherical form of which i could not comprhend on why it would choose such a form
must be something wrong with the 3d rendering. i know its called "bug ball 3d" but the only actually 3D part is the main menu and the ball
I tried starting with the hard course. I got all the way to 5/9 before I learned I could jump!