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Reviews for "NGADM 2024 Brackets"

This looks awesome! Love the world map radar screen in the background and the gritty, military-style text. Fits the branding of "deathmatch" well. If I had to complain about something, it might be that 482 hours is not a very intuitive period of time to understand. Still, it was a really good idea to post this, and the design is clean. Cheers! ^_^

AED-4 responds:

Thanks! I went with HHH:MM:SS clock because it was a bit shorter than one with days and thus allowed for bigger text, but I'll check how it looks with days included, I'll be making a small update soon in any case.

I love the breakdown by score -- wish the text was larger, even if it had to go vertically as opposed to horizontally

Is it possible to track the number of Auditions as well and have them on a ticker at the bottom, or is that too much to ask?!

AED-4 responds:

Hm I could see to try to include audition entry tracker, I don't think I'll be able to scrape the info directly from NG easily but I'll add it to the dataset that's gonna be used for the rest of the rounds.

Good Luck Guys

This is amazing! So cool AED-4!

AED-4 responds:

Thanks ^^!

This is a cool and handful feature, but would you mind enabling it for mobile devices?

AED-4 responds:

oh right, yea I gotta see if i can get this working on mobile. HaxeFlixel is cross platform framework so it should be possible.