Dude i'm a huge fan of your art...but these comics are funny. Normally i'd say see some of my art, but in this time i;ll do the opposite...Don't. lol save you the miserey. Keep these comics comin!!
Dude i'm a huge fan of your art...but these comics are funny. Normally i'd say see some of my art, but in this time i;ll do the opposite...Don't. lol save you the miserey. Keep these comics comin!!
Funny as always!
Do most of you seriously not understand the joke here? Link says he's gay to get Daisy off his back. He's not really gay, he just wants to get away from her.
Anyway, love these comics man, found them a few weeks ago and I've loved them ever since. Can't wait for you to bring out more of them, your art style and humor is fantastic! 5/5, 10/10, looking forward to the next one.
hi im gay lolololol
Fuck off daisy!
goated Link, talking with weegee would make me happy too