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Reviews for "Matrix Relovolutions!"

a good review on a pwnd flash movee

OMG!!! THis is so fuckin leet!! haha, Neon Genesis rocks, and that is such a funny parody i was like!!! !! OMG!!! u are the 1337!!!! all my 5s are belong to yoo.

I give this a ten because....

Thats a great satyr on the end of evangelion. I would laugh my ass off if that was the real ending to the matrix trilogy.

i loved it

like the end of evangelion but to the one that loves evangelion its hard to get but when you saw the final movie of evangelion the end of evangelion you must try to get the movie girlfriend of steel and to tell you there is another serie ofevangelion not with rei shinji asuka or some of the others but there is still misato new robots and new enemies but to the ones that do not know evangelion you should really rent the movies but me i bought them


I don't know if I should laugh at that or not. I think we all should remember that "I am no more or less than myself!"

Learn 2 spell

I can’t even describe how much I love him. Every day I stare at the hundreds of agent smith photos on my wall and wish that I was a matrix character during the sequels (the ones from 2003) just so I could be turned into him.
I even kiss the pictures on my walls if I’m feeling sad. It brings a smile to my face, even if it’s only a slight one and I go back to crying right after.
All my friends make fun of me for my Agent Smith obsession. It has gotten to the point that many people only know me because I’m a crazy Agent Smith fangirl.
I have an Agent Smith plushie I bring with me absolutely everywhere. I also have a Neo plushie that I plan on giving to my “boyfriend” (I love him, but not as much as Agent Smith) but I also take Neo with Smith and people would notice his absence immediately
This love has extended to other Hugo Weaving characters too. I am a lord of the rings fan because he plays Elrond in the movies, and I’ve even been contemplating watching Bedrooms and Hallways (or the Fortnite movie as I’ve nicknamed it, due to me claiming a scene from the movie was from Fortnite) just because of him.
I also have an Agent Smith nendoroid that I showered with once.
No amount of therapy will ever help me.