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Newgrounds Wiki: Forums

The forums consist of multiple categories. Before posting, please read the Forum Rules.

Failure to abide by the rules may result in post deletion or a 1-30 day ban. Moderators may seem harsh at times but without them the forums would turn into flame wars and spam threads, so please respect their decisions.

A list of moderators is available at the bottom of each forum page in the "User Base" section. Moderators currently online are labeled bright green in the "Users online" list. For more information on moderators, see our Site Moderation page.

User of the Day

To be selected as user of the day, a user meets the following criteria:

  • has a profile with picture
  • has been recently active in the forums or portals

Please don't ask for the spot, our system chooses it randomly. A person can never be user of the day more than once. See our past winners!


To limit abuse of our forums, we have imposed the following posting restrictions:

  • 8,192 characters in a post
  • one post every 60 seconds
  • four posts in a thread every 30 minutes
  • four new threads every 24 hours

You can include two pictures per post, ten if you're a supporter.

NOTE: We sometimes refer to our forums as the BBS. The term BBS is an acronym for "Bulletin Board System", which is the traditional name for what most people now refer to as "forums".